Jupyter Lab on Docker

Assuming you have Docker installed, setting up a basic Jupyter Lab environment is pretty easy! I'm going to be installing the jupyter scipy-notebook. The following command mounts a directory with the correct permissions for the Docker user to access it.

mkdir -p "$HOME/Code/Jupyter"
docker run \
    --rm \
    --user "$UID" \
    --group-add users \
    -p 8888:8888 \
    -v "$HOME/Code/Jupyter:/home/jovyan/work" \
    jupyter/scipy-notebook \
    start.sh jupyter lab \

This prints out a URL for you to access. Click the link to get into the notebook. One thing to note- this link includes a generated token that's regenerated each time. Because I like to run this on a server, then click a bookmark on my browser, I want the link to be stable. Fortunately, this docker image includes a method to set a password. First, use the method above to get the lab working, and, once you have access to Python (from Jupyter Notebook, for example), run the following code to set up a password:

In [1]: from IPython.lib import passwd

In [2]: passwd('new_password')
Out[2]: 'sha1:2c83e1f15852:a3e9402655248a12a25ae973487b84f431a28f19'

Take that password hash and plug it into the Docker command like so:

mkdir -p "$HOME/Code/Jupyter"
docker run \
    --rm \
    --user "$UID" \
    --group-add users \
    -p 8888:8888 \
    -v "$HOME/Code/Jupyter:/home/jovyan/work" \
    jupyter/scipy-notebook \
    start.sh jupyter lab \
    --NotebookApp.password="$password_hash" \

Then you can head to http://<hostname>:8888 and enter the password you set up into the password prompt to get to your lab. And, it's a stable link, so it's ready for bookmarking.